The anticipation around the upcoming movie Fly Me To The Moon continues to increase. Featuring Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum, the film is set against the backdrop of the Apollo 11 Moon launch in 1968. As fans await to see the actor’s chemistry unfold, makers dropped a new poster to keep the excitement intact. The poster captured the sizzling chemistry between the stars who collaborated for the first time for the film.
In the poster, we can see Johansson adjusting Tatum’s tie against the backdrop of the moon. The enchanting chemistry between the fresh couple stole the hearts of the viewers. Additionally, a space shuttle further added to the intriguing details displayed in the poster.
Featuring a man sweeping the floor and an astronaut hanging by the wires, it subtly elaborated the plot of the movie hinting at the conspiracy theory revolving around NASA’s fake moon landing.
Directed by Greg Berlanti, Fly Me To The Moon will hit theatres on 12 July. With a screenplay by Rose Gilroy, it is inspired by a true story by Bill Kirstein and Keenan Flynn. Besides the lead stars, the film boasts a star-studded cast including Nick Dillenburg, Anna Garcia, Jim Rash, Colin Woodell, Noah Robbins, and Christian Zuber, among others.
Earlier last month, the makers unveiled the trailer of the film, offering a glimpse of the intriguing plot with Johansson portraying Kelly Jones, a marketing expert at NASA. On the other hand, Channing Tatum plays Cole Davis, the launch director. The captivating trailer featured Kelly and Cole having a clash over the moon landing mission.