🔴Elon Musk’s “Armored Personel Carrier From the Future” – a 10-Wheeled Cybertruck Cyberlander on the Way

Elon Musk’s dream for the Cybertruck was to create a vehicle that would look like “an armored personnel carrier from the future.” This new Cybertruck seems to fulfill Musk’s aspirations, with ten wheels and an extended cab.

Before Tesla unveiled the Cybertruck design in 2019, Elon Musk gave us several hints about what kind of truck Tesla engineers were cooking up behind the scenes.

Despite Musk’s many hints, it’s now fair to say that no one expected the Cybertruck to look like the final design presented by Tesla.


While we couldn’t anticipate what the Cybertruck would look like, one of the most memorable hints Musk gave us about the Cybertruck’s design was that the vehicle “looks like an armored personnel carrier from the future.”

When Tesla finally unveiled the Cybertruck, most would agree that Musk’s description of the Cybertruck’s design was spot on.

With its stainless steel exterior, triangular silhouette and bulletproof exoskeleton, the Cybertruck looks as much like an armored personnel carrier as any civilian vehicle.


While it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, those of us looking for something new in the automotive world were thrilled with the Cybertruck’s design.

But what if you’re that rare person who saw the Cybertruck’s design and thought Tesla should have gone further with the Cybertruck’s appearance?

If you are that person, first of all, you are wild; secondly, your dream has been granted since there is an ongoing build of a third-party Cybertruck that takes the Cybertruck design to the next level.

This exciting Cybertruck build comes from the Diesel brothers, Heavy D and Diesel Dave. If you’ve been following their YouTube channel and X-rated posts, the Diesel brothers are already responsible for two of the most exciting third-party modifications of the Cybertruck.

In the Cybertrucks field, the Diesel brothers already have to their credit the first Cybertruck with snow tracks and the official Mars-ready Cybertruck that Elon Musk shared on X.

As the name suggests, for the Cybertruck with snow tracks build, the Diesel Brothers replaced the off-road tires that come standard with all Cybertrucks and installed snow tracks.

It may sound simple, but to accommodate the snow track where the tires were, the Diesel Brothers had to make several modifications to the Cybertruck’s suspension.

The Cybertruck with snow tires is exciting; however, the Diesel Brothers’ second Cybertruck build is the most famous to date.

The CyberRail is the official version of the Mars-ready Cybertruck. For this version of the Cybertruck, the Diesel brothers went all out, equipping the truck with new tires, new wheels, a coilover suspension, gigantic roof-mounted headlights, an exterior wrap with a SpaceX sticker, and more.

This particular Cybertruck has been making the rounds on the internet, even being featured on Tesla’s official @Cybertruck page and reposted by Elon Musk.

So far, all of the Diesel Brothers’ Cybertruck modifications have been exciting; however, their next Cybertruck build might be their most exciting yet.

This modification of the Cybertruck has yet to materialize, as Dave Sparks is still gathering feedback from the community before embarking on building the CyberLander.

Through his X account, Dave has provided four possible designs for his next Cybertruck build. In a nutshell, the CyberLander build aims to add a campsite to the Cybertruck.

The first two concepts add a simple metal canopy over the Cybertruck’s bed. Aside from using a folding tent, this is the easiest and most sensible way to add permanent camping gear to the Cybertruck.

We’re excited, however, about the two other concepts Dave is considering. In one of them, the Diesel Brothers want to add two more wheels to the Cybertruck and make it a six-wheeled vehicle.

The renderings show the Cybertruck with a much larger metal canopy, with side doors, windows, and a glᴀss roof. This construction of the Cybertruck makes the vehicle look more like a camper than a truck.

This Cybertruck concept is undoubtedly exciting, and we hope it can materialize in real life.

However, if you think a six-wheeled Cybertruck is cool, how about a Cybertruck with six more wheels than the existing four, for a total of 10-wheeled Cybertrucks?

This Cybertruck build retains the truck’s triangular silhouette and adds a metal canopy with six additional wheels and multiple windows, doubling the truck’s length.

Looking at the rendering, the CyberLander is the closest design to Elon Musk’s aspirations for an “armored vehicle of the future.”

The rendering looks less like something we might see in real life and more like a computer-generated image from a futuristic movie or military game.

As he embarks on the exciting build of this Cybertruck, Dave sought advice from Tesla’s chief designer, Franz von Holzhausen.

Under the Cybertruck concept renderings, Dave tagged the Tesla designer, simply writing: “Let’s hear from you.”

Unfortunately, Franz has yet to respond and we are still waiting for his expert opinion on what path the Diesel Brothers should take with their CyberLander build. However, we will keep you updated if we hear from the Tesla designer.

For now, that’s all the information we have; however, we’ll keep you updated if Franz responds with any suggestions and as the Diesel Brothers get started on this exciting Cybertruck build.

Until then, check back regularly with us at torquenews.com/Tesla for the latest updates.

So, what do you think? Are you excited to see Elon Musk’s dream of building a Cybertruck, an “armored personnel carrier of the future” come to fruition? Which of the four possible options is your favorite? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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