As per an individual who was acquainted with Angie during her youthful days, she was a distinctive adolescent who harbored a deep dislike for Beverly Hills.

As per a previous acquaintance of Angie, they frequently indulged in partying, consuming alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and even experimenting with acid. They would often roam around the town, hopping on buses to explore new places. The informant, who wishes to remain unidentified, shared some pH๏τographs and letters from their shared time at El Rodeo Middle School in Los Angeles.

An undisclosed individual shared letters and pictures, revealing their close friendship with Angie during their years at El Rodeo Middle School in Los Angeles, California. The source affectionately described Angie as both eccentric and beautiful, with a fascination for the darker side of life. They explained that Angie was quite a rebel in her early teenage years, experimenting with alcohol, acid, and weed. However, they also highlighted her altruistic nature, stating she often lent money to friends and gave to the homeless. Even at just 14 years old, Angie couldn’t pᴀss by a homeless person without offering food or money and expressing her disdain for homelessness. The source emphasized that despite her rebellious spirit, Angie always had the means to be generous with her friends, and her anti-Beverly Hills persona was evident in her anarchist style of black clothing and smoking cigarettes. They added that the duo enjoyed partying and engaging in wild, boundary-pushing activities, such as standing up for bullied students. It’s no surprise that Angie has become such a prominent voice for refugees worldwide, given her past charitable inclinations and pᴀssion for advocating for those who are oppressed.

In a written message, she revealed that she had finally met her ideal partner. She enthusiastically described him as a perfect gentleman, but unfortunately, she did not get his name. According to her, he was an excellent kisser, and she couldn’t wait to see him again to reminisce on the unforgettable time they shared together.

During the year 1989, Angie, a 14-year-old girl, sent some postcards to her friend where she poured out her heart’s desire for the men she had a crush on. One of them caught her fancy, a tall, slender, black-haired man, residing in a studio. She found him perfect but kept her feelings under wraps from everyone. Nonetheless, he showed interest in working with her, which made her feel thrilled and optimistic.

Angie was thrilled to be celebrating her birthday with her dear friend. As they marked another year, she couldn’t help but wonder if her friend had already turned 17 and marveled at how quickly time had flown by.

During a sincere chat, she revealed her strained relationship with her family. She expressed her longing to flee and relocate somewhere else, admitting that even the vibrant atmosphere of New York City cannot lure her in. She made light of the situation by saying she would rather endure the agony of being undressed in a hole overflowing with crimson ants than spend quality time with her kin.

Back in August of ’89, she wrote a postcard to her pals detailing her flight experience. She expressed her disappointment at having just started her period during the flight and grumbled about being stuck on the plane for three hours. Her irritation was palpable as she felt like she was going crazy.

Back in 1991, when Angie was just 16 years old, she wrote a letter about the ever-changing nature of life. Despite the constant flux, she found a strange comfort in the fact that nothing ever truly changes. Two years prior, at the age of 14, Angie wrote series of postcards to her friend detailing her romantic interests. One of these postcards detailed her thoughts on a pH๏τographer who seemed perfect to her in every way except for the possibility of being gay. In another, she talked about a mysterious stranger whom she called Mr Perfect and shared a memorable kiss with. However, in a letter from the same year, Angie complained about a hangover. According to a source, Angie’s mother allowed her to take birth control and even let her boyfriend stay in her room, which Angie didn’t approve of. Despite her mother’s wishes, Angie stood her ground, refusing to sleep with her boyfriend and flushing the pills down the drain. The source mentioned how Angie’s strong-willed and resilient nature had been evident since they first met when she was just 13 years old.

As per a report, Angie’s mother, Marcheline Bertrand, who unfortunately pᴀssed away at the age of 56, took steps for her daughter to begin birth control at the young age of fifteen, but this decision did not go down well with Angie. Also, Angie had a strained relationship with her father, Jon Voight, as he allegedly cheated on Marcheline.

An unnamed source revealed that the individual in reference was an exceptional person and had a strong connection with the source. The source added that not many people knew about their generous nature, which was balanced with their outgoing character. The source also shared a personal encounter where they hadn’t seen each other for six months, but upon meeting again, the individual kindly offered financial help.

As per the source, Angie had a keen interest in things that were slightly eerie and wished to pursue a career as a funeral director. She was so pᴀssionate about this profession that she even signed up for a course where she learned the art of embalming corpses.

During her teenage years, Angie had a fascination with death and suicide, as evidenced by a pH๏τo of her in front of a cemetery. Her friend from childhood claimed that this was not surprising, as it was a topic that had always interested her. Angie’s mother, Marcheline, was seen as a “cool mom” who allowed her daughter and friends to drink at their home to ensure their safety. However, Angie’s relationship with her father, Jon Voight, became strained after he cheated on Marcheline. According to sources, Angie was so upset with him that she threw the computer he had given her out of her bedroom window. In a letter, Angie expressed her strong dislike for visiting her relatives in New York, stating that she would rather be naked in a pit of red ants than spend time with them.

In this picture, the young female artist is seen relaxing on a couch with a bunch of friends, enjoying some delicious pizza and sipping on some chilled drinks. The snapsH๏τ captures a moment from her earlier days.

As per a source, she tried to participate in non-traditional activities that went against the typical behavior of the Beverly Hills community. These included dressing in all black and identifying as rebels.

Angie can be seen in the picture enjoying some quality time with her pals. They are seated at a table on the right corner, surrounded by numerous beer bottles.

Although Angie had an unusual upbringing, she managed to become a highly acclaimed actress and a loving mother of six children, all while staying true to her authentic self. However, she always had a fascination with death and the darker aspects of life. This interest led her to take a course in embalming from home, and she often spent time in cemeteries. Her curiosity extended to suicide and the meaning of existence, as evidenced by a letter she wrote at the age of 16. Alongside her acting career, Angie also enjoyed a successful stint as a model, but her agency pressured her to lose weight, despite her already slender figure. Despite her success and fame, Angie never forgot her punk roots and remained down-to-earth, as she shared in an interview with Vogue.