The hashtag #WesAndersonEdit currently has over 128 million views on TikTok, with users showing off their interpretations of the director’s signature controlled yet whimsical film style. The viral trend will soon have even more inspiration to draw from, with Anderson’s newest film, Asteroid City, set for wide release on June 23.
Actress and the Outset co-founder Scarlett Johansson plays a very meta role in the movie as actress—and major red lipstick fan—Midge Campbell. After making its Cannes Film Festival debut last month, Asteroid City premiered this week in New York City, with Johansson and her costars celebrating its upcoming arrival in theaters all over.
Before she graced the red carpet at Lincoln Center’s Alice Tully Hall on Tuesday, caught up with the star for an inside scoop on all the products she and makeup artist Frankie Boyd used to prep and perfect her beauty look. Read on for Johansson’s recent skin and makeup go-tos—which include some of her own brand’s bestsellers—along with the fragrances she always keeps in rotation.
Is your New York City premiere look inspired by your Asteroid City character, Midge, at all?
Scarlett Johansson: If you asked [stylist] Kate [Young], she would say they are. Kate said that my character would wear this dress, and I do believe that.
Have you discovered any new beauty tips or techniques from set since being cast in this role?
SJ: It isn’t really a beauty tip or technique, but I did discover that you cannot put a gel nail polish coat over a regular nail polish—it just doesn’t work. Why? We don’t know, but it doesn’t work. I tried it.
Do you typically prefer wearing bold or more natural-looking makeup on the red carpet?
SJ: I like wearing bold makeup on the red carpet because I’ve always loved color. And I think I get that from watching my mom transform from day to night when she would go out for dates with my dad. She always wore a full, glamorous face of makeup—she still does—and so I feel inspired by her beauty transformation in that way.
How are you prepping your skin for makeup application ahead of the premiere?
Frankie Boyd: Scarlett usually comes prepared with her moisturizer on, so I just do a light retouch on top, and go straight in with the skin on top of that.
SJ: I always come in having washed my face, then use the Outset serum and our moisturizer.
FB: She’s always been particular about her skin—in a good way.
Do you have a red-carpet fragrance rotation?
SJ: I was at a party at Cannes and one of my friend’s girlfriends gave me a hug, and she was so delicious-smelling. She was wearing Portrait of a Lady by Frédéric Malle, which is so old-school, and she happened to have a vial of it with her, and she gave it to me! It was so kind of her. I also love an Aesop one that Nathan from the Outset social-media team wears. We were going to the Outset party, and he smelled so good. I could tell he was a little reluctant to tell me what it was, but I bought that one. I also love the Narcisco Rodriguez one; it smells so good. There’s also a Hermès one called Terre d’Hermès that I love. I kind of mix it up.
What’s your favorite part of the glam process?
SJ: Probably just seeing all of these cutie pies that I get to work with, and it’s such a pleasure to get everyone together. We’ve all known each other for quite some time in various ways. Frankie and I have been working together for a really long time, so the best part is just catching up with everyone.
I don’t know if it’s a favorite part of the process or not, but I used to have—before I started using the Outset regularly—Frankie used to spend a lot of time correcting my skin, because I had so much acne and congestion, so it felt like I was putting on a mask. Now my favorite part of getting ready is having clear skin that I feel proud to show off and not self-conscious about, and that’s really a result of being so consistent with my skincare routine.
Are there any products you keep in your bag for touch-ups?
SJ: I try not to do too many touch-ups on the red carpet, because I always end up with, like, one side of my lip liner taller than the other or a different shape. Frankie always says he can tell when I touch up my lipstick, because one side will be round and one side will be pointy. But I’ll stick in blotting papers or a lipstick.
FB: And I’ll throw a powder in there, just in case.
SJ: I try not to touch it too much. I feel like once you’re on the red carpet, you’ve just got to get through it.